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Posted by Ghani on January 25, 2024
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On Thursday, December 28, 2023, with over 140 in attendance, NBEF held its annual “Prep for Success” Holiday Gathering at the Pines Manor in Edison, NJ for New Brunswick High School and New Brunswick Health Sciences Technology High School seniors and alumni (enrolled in colleges, universities, and vocational institutes; and young professionals). This compact conference style event, sponsored by Johnson & Johnson, New Brunswick Tomorrow, the New Jersey Center for Hispanic Policy, Research and Development, and Magyar Bank was designed to inspire and equip New Brunswick youth and young adults in their educational, career, and life pursuits.

The evening began with hors’ devours and networking. This was followed by Lilyan Prado Carrillo, the keynote speaker, who delivered a dynamic message chronicling her powerful and inspiring life story. Lilyan is a nationally acclaimed speaker who has traveled across the country addressing large groups of youth and young adults seeking a higher education and ultimately a better life. (Read her bio)

After a buffet spread (and more networking), the energy of the event then shifted to a workshop facilitated by Assie Konneh, an Integrated Marketing Manager for Urban One and NBEF Project Manager, entitled “Polishing Your Path: The Three Gems of Effective Job Hunting.” Assie articulated the “GEMS” as (1) Know the Role: Be confident in the position you want; (2) Network: It’s not What you know …. it’s Who you know; and (3) Present Your Best Self: Know the best practices of virtual and in-person networking. This amazing workshop was both informative and interactive. It was well received by our Network that evening; and there are plans for NBEF to continue the training by offering an exclusive virtual session (to reach even more of our Network participants situated across the country) covering the GEMS later this year.

The NBEF Holiday Gathering ended with a special raffle drawing with great prizes and scholarships for college, grad school or professional development.