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Posted by Ghani on December 16, 2020
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NBEF received a $40,000.00 (2021 State Grant) from New Jersey’s Center for Hispanic Policy, Research and Development (CHPRD). The CHPRD is a state agency that strives to improve quality of life and empower New Jersey’s Hispanic community, while creating a vision for the future by engaging, educating, and empowering through the process of inclusion in policy, development and direct social services.

The funding is earmarked for NBEF’s College & Young Professional Network that offers career development mentoring/coaching, training and networking events for New Brunswick youth and young adults (ages 16-28). This key component of NBEF aligned with CHPRD’s grantee category that entails “Workforce Investment In-School and Out-of-School Youth Program” which is designed to build capacity of organizations that provides workforce development services to at-risk youth.