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My name is Susan Badia and I’m a senior in Rutgers University’s Business School with a concentration in Finance and Real Estate. I’m currently performing an internship with Morgan Stanley as a Brokerage Summer Analyst.

I want to take this opportunity to present one of NBEF’s newest seminar offerings to enhance our professional development, “NBEF’s Public Speaking Institute”.  I am reminded of my first workshop with NBEF as a high school senior.  It was an Elevator Speech workshop. That fun and interactive workshop did wonders for my confidence and my ability to present myself in various situations.

I am excited about all the possibilities the NBEF Public Speaking Institute will offer us with our speaking in public concerns and fears.  I know how nerve-racking that can be.  This seminar will focus on owning the power of your voice by helping you bring your ideas and thoughts to life, constructing a speech and practicing in front of a live audience. 

We will emerge from this seminar with a new level of comfort as we take on that unique opportunity of public speaking in our organizations, work environments, classrooms, networking events, and community activities, just to name a few.  

Your opportunity to sign up for this seminar is now!  Please tap on the link to access the sign-up sheet. I can’t wait to see how this new level of confidence looks on all of you.  I’ll see you in the seminar.