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Posted by Ghani on April 9, 2024
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In March 2024, NBEF concluded its third cycle of Pathways To Law School (PTLS), with Timothy Rountree, Esq. leading seven aspiring attorneys. Rountree’s focus this year was to impart law school fundamentals and guide the cohort through the law school application process.

During the first seminar, Rountree prompted students to reflect on their motivations for pursuing a legal career and reviewed seminar topics from 2023 for new PTLS members. New students shared their reasons for pursuing law, while returning students reflected on any changes in their motivations since 2023. In the second seminar, students learned best practices for drafting their law school personal statements and began crafting the opening paragraph of their statements. In the third seminar, they received a month-by-month guide to the law school application process, from application submission to acceptance.

The fourth and final seminar featured Johnson & Johnson Senior Counsel, Lina Martinez, who shared her journey from law school to her current role. Martinez, a proud Latina attorney, resonated with the cohort as a first-generation college student with immigrant parents, sharing her struggles with imposter syndrome. Her presence empowered the students, reminding them of their importance in shaping discussions on justice and equity.

Feedback from the cohort regarding their experience with Rountree and Martinez was overwhelmingly positive, with students eagerly anticipating their return for PTLS cycle four.

As the career cluster leader of PTLS, Rountree annually awards a $1,000 scholarship in memory of his parents to a deserving student within the cohort. Drawing from his extensive legal experience, he is dedicated to empowering, educating, and candidly discussing the challenges of justice in America. Students appreciate Rountree’s authenticity, support, and willingness to be vulnerable.

Pathways to Law School has nurtured and continues to support students like Nyamekye “Nya” Aning, who recently completed her first year at Harvard Law School. A multi-year NBEF scholarship recipient and former PTLS participant, Nya exemplifies the program’s success.

NBEF’s goal is to guide and support more aspiring law students within the network. Through Pathways to Law School, participants gain the necessary foundation to achieve their legal career goals and return to New Brunswick as mentors for future generations.

More about PTLS Career Cluster Leader, Timothy Rountree, Esq.

Mr. Timothy Rountree, ESQ. is the Career Cluster Leader for NBEF’s Pathways To Law School Program (PTLS). He is a proud alumni of New Brunswick High School (NBHS) and currently serves as the Attorney-In-Charge at the Legal-Aid Society, Criminal Defense Practice based in Queens, NY.

Rountree has served at the Legal-Aid Society for the past 30 years. He has dedicated his professional career fighting for and empowering the Queens, NY community. As the Attorney-In-Charge of the Criminal Defense Practice for the past 17 years, he leads a team of attorneys dedicated to making a difference by actively taking a stance in front of major reform efforts that affect the Queens community and beyond.

Rountree is an alumnus of American University, Washington College of Law, where he received his Juris Doctorate. He’s also an HBCU alumni of Howard University, where he earned his Bachelor of Arts with honors, in English.

Lina Martinez, Esq., J&J Senior Counsel
Tim Rountree, Esq., NBEF’s PTLS Facilitator