Frequently Asked Questions

How can we help you?

NBEF AMP Coaches are young professionals and NBHS and NBHSTHS alumni just like you! We are all pumped to work with you and provide college and career coaching. We are all ready to go that extra mile to make sure your transition from high school to college goes smoothly. Think of us as your neighbors who have also navigated college and careers and are sharing all the secrets and tips firsthand through guided monthly interactions and workshops.

Interactions with AMP Coaches will typically last approximately 30 minutes.

The primary aim is to use google meets but interactions with AMP Coaches may also be done by phone or even by text (in certain circumstances)

Absolutely!!! We encourage students to feel free to reach out to AMP Coaches as often as needed.

Definitely!!! You are still expected to reach out to Mr. Ford regarding your scholarship; and he wants you to feel free to contact him about any other matter that you see fit. Also keep in mind that Mr. Ford may reach out to you directly as well regarding NBEF programs, workshops, and networking events.

Having a NBEF AMP Coach means having someone with a similar background who is dedicated to assisting you with your college and career journey. Coaches will be tailoring their interactions to meet each student’s personal needs and goals.

The focus of AMP Coaches is to customize the assistance that’s provided to each individual student. The aim is to help all students set and achieve their personal, educational and career goals (including working with upperclassmen to establish both a "Career Development Plan and Career Development Team," aka "CDP" and "CDT" to go along with a solid resume, digital footprint, interviewing and networking skills as well as an "elevator pitch."

Yes!!! AMP Coaches are looking forward to helping you upgrade your resume as well as assist freshmen students with the process of transforming resumes from a high school to a college level format.